Spiced Beetroot Chutney

The chutney can be made one day and eaten the next but It’s best left to mature for a few weeks. If you can, leave your chutney for up to year and the flavour will be even more beautiful. Pairs beautifully with game and strong cheese.

You will need: 

  • A large non-corrosive lidded pan, (stainless steel is perfect), of at least 6 litres

  • 5-6 clean jam jar sizes jars with non corrosive lids (place the jars on a baking sheet to make it easy to lift the jars out of the oven when they are hot and also to catch any spilled chutney when filling the jars.

  • A jam funnel if you have one (makes filling the jars much easier).

  • Waxed circles to fit the jars

  • Labels to stick on each jar

Ingredients: Weigh and prepare all the ingredients before you start cooking.

  • 1.5 kg raw beetroot, trimmed, peeled and cut in to 5cm dice. You should yield about 1.2kg net weight (it’s a good idea to wear gloves)

  • 3 onions, chopped

  • 6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped

  • 2 medium red chillies chopped (remove seeds if you prefer less heat)

  • 3 eating apples, peeled and grated

  • zest and juice 3 medium oranges

  • 2 tablespoons white or yellow mustard seeds

  • 1 tablespoon coriander seed

  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

  • 700ml red wine vinegar

  • 700g granulated sugar

  • 2 tablespoon cornflour slaked with 2 tablespoon cold water


Method: Pre-heat the oven to (fan) 120 deg C

1. Mix together all the ingredients well in your chosen cooking pan. Bring to a gentle simmer, then cook for 1 hr, stirring occasionally, until the beetroot is tender.

2. Remove the vegetables with a spider (if you have one) or a slotted spoon, and place into a clean container.

3. Put the cooking liquor back over a high heat until it boils. Now stirring all the time add enough of the slaked cornflour until the liquor well coats the back of a spoon. Slake more cornflour an add if required.

4. Put the beetroot mixture back into the thicken liquor and stir. The mixture will thicken as it cools.

5. Whilst the chutney is cooking, prepare your jars by washing thoroughly by hand, then put into the preheated oven to sterilise for 10-15 mins.

6. Once the chutney is ready, let it settle for 10 mins.

7. Remove the jars from the oven and using a jam funnel (if you have on) fill the jars, just below the top, with the hot chutney. You can use a clean jug, holding a tea plate under the jug to catch any drips.

8. Remove the jars from the oven and using a jam funnel (if you have on) fill the jars, just below the top, with the hot chutney. You can use a clean jug, holding a tea plate under the jug to catch any drips.


Important note:

Label each jar with the name and date made. Store in a cool dark place for up to one year, and refrigerate after opening.