Our Cookery Courses
At Thackerys we believe that cooking and great food should be an assessable skill made available to all.
We provide a range of different full day experiences - starting with our fully bespoke one-to-one cookery masterclass - allowing you to consult with us on a whole menu that is focussed not only on what you love to eat, but also what you would like to learn from a technical perspective.
If you’re wanting to spend a day or two, we also offer group masterclasses with a maximum of four people. This is ideal if you would like to join like minded foodies and is a great way to have fun and to learn at the same time.
Both of these courses are fully hands on and put you in the driving seat with Chef and owner, Graham Funnell.
For those who want to brush up on a few skills or learn better from watching, we provide two types of half-day and evening workshops.